Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DIY Idea: Pesto Presents

In need of a last-minute gift idea? You've come to right place!
I made some homemade pesto tonight for some of our family members. I have never made pesto before, and was surprised at how easy it was.

 I bought these cutie little jars at Crate & Barrel. They are 6 ounce size, and you can't beat the price.
I used this recipe. One batch was the perfect amount to fill one of these jars.
The only changes I made to the recipe were that I toasted the pine nuts, and used a little less olive oil.

Then I added labels.

A closer view for you:

You can download a file of these labels here:

I added some pasta, and a little mini spatula for scooping the pesto.  I think these gifts turned out pretty cute.  They have handmade charm and practical use. 

We'll see how they go over at our Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow!

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