Saturday, July 18, 2009

Flower Arrangements

We hosted a little bbq in our backyard today. My lemon tree has been recently pruned, and doesn't have much fruit on it. But, my baby orange tree is absolutely covered. So, I used baby oranges instead of the lemons I had mentioned earlier this week.

I was happy with how it turned out.
(By the way, I have absolutely no idea about the correct name for this fruit. Satsumas? Clementines? Mandarins? We just call them "baby oranges" at our house.)

And one more arrangement to complete the color scheme.
I love doing flower arrangements in pitchers. It is so cute, and more interesting than just a vase. Now I just need to get more pitchers. And more kitchen cupboards. :)

PS The cupcakes I made for the bbq were quite popular. Check back tomorrow for pictures and a great cupcake "recipe" that you can "steal" for your next party. :)

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