Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cake: Fall Leaves

I just returned from the most fabulous Girls' Weekend.  It was perfect.

We talked.

We explored Portland, Oregon.

We visited numerous cupcake shops.

We cooked.

It was fabulous.

I've gotten off track though. The reason for this post is that I wanted to share the cake I made for Girls' Weekend '09.  I have a large number of friends with fall birthdays, so I made a birthday cake for everyone. 

Isn't it cute?

 Yummy border.

 The decorating was pretty time consuming, so I used a box cake mix to save time.  I substituted canned pumpkin for the oil, to make it a little more "fall".  Don't worry, it didn't taste too healthy. :) 

 Ahhh...I miss them already. 

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