Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Real Party: Tying the Knot Bridal Shower

You may remember that I recently helped my friends Megan and Emily come up with a few ideas for the bridal shower they wanted to throw for their sister Katie. (See the inspiration I put together here).

The party they threw turned out amazingly, and I have some pictures to share! 

Lunch was sandwiches and a few varieties of salad.  They tied the sandwiches up with knots! Cute knotty labels were on the water bottles too. 

Megan & Emily set up a candy bar and a had a few other sweets. I love the sugar cookies with knots of icing! Isn't the color palate beautiful?

Party Favors:
Chocolate and yogurt covered pretzels were the party favors (perfect, don't you agree?). Cute little labels too!

Congratulations Katie! (in the red)
Thanks Megan & Emily for sharing the photos!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year begins today. Even if you aren't Chinese, its the perfect excuse to throw another party. :)

I have lots of Chinese New Year style inspiration to share with you today! 

But first, make sure you check out my post about the Chinese New Year birthday party we threw last year, if you haven't seen it already. Lots of cute stuff.

 Have you seen this fun fortune cookie craft by Martha?
Well, I used them as placecards for my Chinese New Year tablescape.  And I found a shortcut!
Rather than gluing ribbon inside the fortune cookie, I used a strip of electrical tape over the floral wire.  No waiting for glue to dry! The electrical tape sticks quite well to the felt.
Perfect little Chinese New Year placecards!
(Or for any time of the year you are serving Chinese food!)

One more thing to share... My friend Johanna threw a dragon themed (as in Year of the Dragon) baby shower for her sister in law over the weekend.  Here's a few scenes from the party: 
I love the idea of "dragon egg" candies as favors. 
And that big paper dragon? Lindsay and I helped Johanna put him together last week.
We made a giant paper accordion for his body by gluing together multiple pieces of 8.5x11 inch card stock paper.  We scoured each section before folding them over since they were pretty thick.  Isn't he fun?

Happy Chinese New Year!
and Congratulations Tiffany & Braz! We can't wait to meet her!

Friday, January 20, 2012

{Resolution: Organization} Pepper Design Blog

Next up in my series on organization is Morgan, of Pepper Design Blog.
 I was originally drawn to Morgan's blog because of the some amazing parties she had helped to throw, but stuck around for much more than that! She shares all about her family's adventures with remodeling & decorating their home, parenting, crafts, and even some fashion.  Plus she's always ready with a fabulous tutorial.  I also love that Morgan sticks to a budget with her projects.  Fabulous designs and parties are even more impressive to me when they are done with a realistic budget. 

Morgan was kind enough to share with us where she stores all her goods, and to explain her systems. Here's what Morgan had to say:  

I'm honored to be here today as a guest of Sandi's! My name is Morgan and I'm visiting from Pepper Design Blog - a little project of mine that focuses on the remodeling of our family's 1930's home plus a collection of parties, projects and people that inspire me. I'm delighted to share my organizing tips today since I've recently finished arranging my home office's bookshelves. 

I work from home nearly full time as the marketing director of a company that's located on the other end of California, so I find it absolutely essential to have a base at the house that will help me stay on top of all of my projects and deliveries. The funny thing is - my home office does that but primarily functions as one giant craft room (shhh - don't tell the boss). While I keep file cabinets and folders full of marketing work, I have reserved 80% of my shelf space to carefully and cleanly layout painting, knitting, sewing, felting and so on craft supplies. These are the things, after all, that really need that designated 'home' or they begin to take over!
You can read all about our little house transformation and how we turned the old 70's kitchen into an office and guest bedroom here (don't worry, we relocated the kitchen elsewhere). Though I must warn you it is still 'in progress'.

But let's get down to organizing and my tips for creating a peaceful space: 1. labeling, 2. boxes, bins & baskets, 3. functionality, 4. room to breathe.

Labeling is my best friend when it comes to organizing a space. For me, it's important to clearly identify a home for each object or I definitely won't remember where to find my hem tape or beading pliers in a snap. I keep a little handheld labeling machine nearby for my file folders, but I find a simple printed label from the computer will do just fine for my boxes and bins.

Speaking of boxes and bins, there are plenty of killer deals to be found on these super helpful organizing tools if you create a habit of consistently checking the sale racks at stores like Target, The Container Store or office supply stores, plus online perusing on those great deal sites. I picked up the brown boxes and metal baskets on my shelves at See Jane Work, the fabric floral boxes at a killer price on One Kings Lane, the white magazine butlers and file bin at West Elm on, and various filing bins on sale at Home Depot and Target. Having an office that is also pretty helps to remind me to put everything back where it belongs at the end of the day (well... I try).
Jars, baskets and containers serve their purpose well on an organized shelf. I keep spools of thread, wrapped up bunches of ribbon and even frequently referred to paint chips in unusual vessels that I've found at garage sales and while thrifting.
My last and final tip is to organize your shelves with two ideas in mind: functionality and breathing room. It's important that the objects you use most often are at an easy reach and are easily accessible. When it comes to styling, I often have to remind myself to allow the objects to 'breathe'. You don't want too many books, high boxes or baskets smashed in next to each other - seeing a decent amount of wall space on each shelf is okay. 
 I'm no organizing guru - in fact my family would probably laugh if they heard me offering advice on the subject! But from one mom/colleague/blogger to another, I'm learning as I go :).
Thanks, Sandi!

Find Morgan here: 
Pepper Design Blog

If you missed it, check out the behind the scenes peak from GreyGrey Designs I shared earlier this week!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

{Resolution: Organization} GreyGrey Designs

In honor of my New Year's Resolution to continue on the path to organization now that I have a baby, this week's posts are going to be spent discussing getting organized. A few of my favorite bloggers agreed to help me cover this topic, by sharing where and how they store all their party goods. 
(Plus I love a good behind-the-scenes peak!  Don't you?) 

First up is Brittany of GreyGrey Designs
I've been an avid reader of Brittany's blog for a long time. She throws insanely creative parties of all kinds as a a former wedding and event planner turned work-at-home mom. Check it out if you aren't already following along at GreyGrey Designs

Brittany was kind enough to share with us where she stores all her goods, and to explain her systems. Here's what Brittany had to say:  

Hi everyone!

This is Brittany from GreyGrey Designs.

I run a boutique party planning business out of my home, and so organization is key for me. 

Luckily, when my husband and I found this house a few years ago, we were shocked at how much additional storage it had. I have claimed the upstairs bonus room closet as my party/miscellaneous closet. It runs the entire length of the room, so this picture is really only half the closet. That room is also our dogs' room. We have a Great Dane. Trust me, they need their own rooms. 

For me, clear Rubbermaid containers are absolutely essential. If you follow my blog, you might see some recognizable pieces from some of my parties!  The top right two containers are fabric. It seems that I have 3 or more yards of fabric leftover from every party I do. I have one for glassware, one for paint, one for crafting tools and art supplies, one for miscellaneous serving pieces, one for ribbon, and even one strictly for feathers. I know, right? It may not look organized to you, but I can find everything I need within a few seconds. 
Now, this room looks like this right now because I am not in party shopping mode at the moment. But, when I am in party-shopping mode, this closet floor will be littered with Hobby Lobby bags!
Hope you enjoyed this peek into the party skeletons in my closet!

Find Brittany here: 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Resolution: Organization

This week's post are all about something near and dear to my heart at this time in my life. 
Anyone who has kids knows that one thing a baby means for your life is tons of STUFF
With the addition of a baby and all her stuff to an already full house, my husband and I have spent much of this past year just trying to get organized. And being a girl who loves to craft and throw parties, I already had lots of stuff before Mia came along. 

In honor of my New Year's Resolution to continue on the path to organization, this week's posts are going to be spent discussing getting organized. Some of my favorite bloggers agreed to help me cover this topic, by sharing where and how they store all their party goods later this week. 

Welcome to the series I am calling:

An article on that I spotted recently about organizing your pantry sparked my attention. Many of the items they featured could be used outside the kitchen and applied to storing crafty party goods. 

This two-tiered turntable by Oxo is perfect for storing lots of things.  In the kitchen I could use it for my collection of sprinkles and cupcake liners. But beyond the kitchen, its perfect for jars of beads or buttons.  I like the idea of spinning to search for an item rather than digging through a big box.

This organizer is would make finding pens, scissors, and glues easy.

Come by tomorrow to see how a blogger you know stores her party supplies!

PS If your resolution had more to do with getting healthy, check this out!  Lots of tips!