Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Eve Potluck Recipes

Last year's New Year's Eve party was epic.  Please check it out!
With so many new babies in our group of friends, this year will look quite different. I'd be surprised if we even last long enough to see the ball drop.

But if you are headed to a house've got to check out my latest post to get some recipe ideas! 

Have a tasty, safe, and fun New Year's Eve everyone! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DIY Idea: Plaid Coasters

Every year I like to make something homemade to give at Christmas.  
(Here's a post about the pesto I made 2 years ago. And here's a post about the apple butter I made last year. )

This year I made coasters. 

And they were surprisingly quick & easy. Here's the DIY instructions: 

Supplies needed: 
Cork boards
Felt in 2 colors
Tacky Glue
Rotary cutter
Cutting mat

 1.  Cut cork boards into 4 inch squares using rotary cutter and cutting mat.  

2.  Cut 1 inch x 5 inch strips of felt.   Cut 4 strips of 2 colors. 

3.  Starting in the corner, glue the strips in place. Overlap each strip to make a plaid pattern with the alternating colors.  Put glue between each layer.

4. When all the strips have been glued into place, turn the coaster over. Use the rotary cutter to cut the excess felt around the sides. 

5. Ta-da! 

I made a few different sets with different colors of felt -- and forgot to take pictures!
They were quite cute when tied up with bow -- which I also forgot to take pictures of. 
If I wasn't a busy, sleep deprived new mom, I would have paired them with a bottle of wine or some coffee...but alas that did not happen this year.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Our 2011 Christmas Card

Wishing all my readers the merriest of holidays!
Thank you for sticking by me this year! Love to you and your family. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Cookie Party How-To's

Cookies are the perfect reason to throw a party during the holidays. 
My friends and I usually get together and do a cookie baking party.
(You can read about the last couple here and here.)
I wrote up how we do this for -- check it out!
You can also do a cookie decorating party.  (Sometimes this is included in our cookie party too!) 
I wrote about how to do this for Tablespoon -- check it out!) 

And of course, the most popular way to do a cookie party this season is a cookie exchange.  (My mom and her friends have been doing one since before I was born!)  A few of my fav bloggers had some great inspiration for throwing a lovely cookie exchange.  (See here and here). 
How do you celebrate cookies this time of year?

Monday, December 12, 2011

DIY Idea: Holiday Wreath & an Introduction

Introducing: Mia Danielle
Born on Thanksgiving day...we are so thankful!
What a crazy whirlwind these last couple weeks have been.

I won't leave you completely hanging while I'm in baby land though...
Here's a fun idea for a DIY wreath! This one is super easy -- even a brand new mom can do it!

Check out all the details here.

Monday, November 28, 2011

DIY Ideas: Cranberry Holiday Decor!

Have you started decorating your house for Christmas yet?  I like to do it the weekend following Thanksgiving...I don't encroach on turkey day, but I get the maximum amount of time out of those decorations. 

Whatever your personal schedule is, I have a few ideas for you to try this year...all involving cranberries!
Check 'em out here! And let me know if you try any. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{Nursery} Pink & Green Apples: Part 2 The Reveal

The nursery is done! And my baby girl should be here any day!
I had so much fun designing her room.  (Please see yesterday's post for more information about the process and inspiration). 

I am so excited to share her Pink and Green Apples Nursery with you!  

I've have a picture of each area of the nursery, and then I'll show close ups of the some of the details and sources.  

The quilt was a gift from a family friend.  It has a beautiful flower pattern on it that I just love. 
One of my favorite things in the room is the adorable apple mobile that my friend Lindsay made.  She gave it to me at my baby shower. Isn't it amazing?  Did you notice the one apple that has a worm? :) 

I hired someone to make a crib skirt for me with the fabric that I found.  I ended up having her make the skirt out of 3 panels that are tied to the crib separately, allowing them be adjusted as we lower the crib.  (I found this idea here).  I am so happy with this as it allows hidden storage.  I've got all kinds of plastic storage containers under there, and they'll stay hidden at every crib height without the skirt bunching up.  

Crib: Target
Crib Skirt: custom made by Sharon Bechtol
Crib sheet: Babies r Us

Dresser & Changing Table

We decided to use the top of the dresser as our changing to table to maximize space and function.  I knew I wanted to use a specific dresser from Ikea, and was stoked when I found it at a deep discount and in good condition on Craigslist. 

The curtains were the very first project I tackled for the space.  They are definitely the most complicated thing I've ever sewed.  They make the whole space seem cheerful.  (Just don't look too carefully at the stitching...there's some mistakes for sure!) 

The drawers in the dresser are packed to the brim with adorable little girl's clothes.  So to keep the top of the dresser from getting too cluttered, I made this little hanging pocket for the side to hold some of the diaper changing necessities.  (Thank you to Lindsay for this idea!)

Dresser: Ikea via Craigslist
Changing pad cover and organizer: Babies R Us

Storage Shelves & Rocking Chair
This shelving unit was ideal for this corner. It fit perfectly and gives us lots of storage options.  I love that the baskets hide the clutter of toys and blankets.  I've stashed extra sheets and changing pad covers in there also so I can grab them quickly.  This is definitely a piece that can grow with our baby. 
The chair was handed down from my mom. It was used when I was a little girl. I had the cushions custom made with more of the fabric.  
The heart picture is a pillow case that I found and framed.  
How could I resist this apple?  I'm using it as a bookend for now. 

Shelf: Ikea
Baskets: Ikea
Apple: Home Goods
Chair cushions:  custom made by Sharon Bechtol

The Guest Bed
I mentioned yesterday how we have a trundle bed in the nursery that will act as guest bed. 

I was going to sew some kind of duvet cover with some curtains I had...and then I stumbled upon some pink bedding and sheets that were on clearance.  That allowed me to cross an item off my long to do list.  The bedding was so cheap that if we don't end up using it for long it won't be a terrible thing.  
Though I do have to say that I giggled when one of my husband's friends stayed with us and crawled into the pink sheets to go to bed at night. :)

I used all the time I saved on the duvet cover to re-cover some throw pillows we had. 

And instead of making a duvet out of the curtains, I just shortened one and used it to at the closet. Its kind of small opening to this closet, and there hasn't been a door on it as long as we've lived here.  Now some of the inevitable closet clutter is hidden.  And the extra fabric from the curtain became a throw pillow on the bed.

I also framed some fabric swatches and added pictures of my husband and I and our dog to make a little collage above the bed.  The solid pink framed fabric is from the pillow sham in the clearance bedding set.  The fuchsia fabric is from the back of the heart pillow case framed above the  storage shelf.  No fabric went to waste in this nursery. :)

The two blankets were gifts handmade by my friends Drea and Megan.  I know my daughter will love them as much as I do.  
Do you see the green apples in the circle quilt? Love!

My other favorite item in the nursery is this print I had custom made.  The seller, Fern Tree Studios, was so great to work with!

Bedding: Target
Frames and shelf: Ikea
Apple of my Eye Print: Fern Tree Studio

Now all we need is a baby to add to the finished nursery! ;) 
PS If anyone that lives locally is looking for an amazing seamstress, email me and I'll pass along contact info for Sharon Bechtol.  She was incredible!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

{Nursery} Pink & Green Apples: Part 1 The Inspiration

I'm so excited to finally share the nursery I've been working on for the past several months!

Today's post is to give a little background and share some details about my inspiration.  
A few years ago we bought a black trundle bed for the 2nd bedroom to act as a guest bed.  With real estate being so expensive in the area where we live, the guest bed will have to stay in the nursery. So all the nursery furniture needed to coordinate with the black bed.

So the goals for the nursery were: 
1.  Furniture and colors coordinate with the black trundle bed. 
2.  Incorporates a subtle green apple theme. I say subtle because I wanted to incorporate apples, but I didn't want any of the over-the-top apple fabrics that I'd seen.  (There were lots of cute ones, but they were all just too much for anything bigger than a dish towel. And I originally (and mistakenly) thought I was having a boy, and didn't want it to be too girly.)
3.  No traditional bedding sets.  Besides the fact that I've never seen an apple one that I liked, I knew I wanted to do something a little more original and crafty.
4.  Create storage space! I'll say it again: our house is not big. Therefore I needed to create places to store the many items a baby causes you to accumulate.  
5.  Stick to a budget!   I wanted to DIY what I could, look for furniture on the cheap, etc. 

I'd perused a few of my favorite nursery sites for inspiration when I was starting the process. 
In case you are wondering, my favorites are: 

I was very inspired by this photo:
via Project Nursery
I loved the bold colors, patterned curtains, and the adorable Jonathan Adler lemon pillow reminded me of an apple. 

The day after we found out we were having a girl, I was browsing at JoAnn's fabrics and stumbled upon 2 fabrics that I fell in love with. I wasn't even sure what colors I wanted to use at that point, and was leaning toward some turquoise after the above picture caught my eye. But when I saw these fabrics, I knew this was it.  And they were on sale for 50% off for one more day, so I had no time to second guess my decision!  (Of course, if you remember the posts about my wedding & reception, you'll know that I tend to be drawn to these colors. I just can't get away from them!)
(This is the picture I took on my phone to send to a few girlfriends with a "Should I do it?" text.)
I was a little nervous because it was upholstery fabric (which I have never worked with before, completely novice seamstress that I am), and it had to be custom ordered and was therefore final sale.
But I was lured in by the 50% sale and committed right then and there!

And then the work began... (to be continued)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas Tree Party

I am not one of those people who believes in starting Christmas decorating before Thanksgiving.  One holiday at a time is typically my motto. 

However, I do want to share an idea for a holiday party with you that is best if thrown the first weekend or two in December.  I'm not advocating starting your decorating or Christmas-music-listening until after Thursday! But, its never too early to start planning your next party. 

I wrote up all the details of how to throw a Christmas Tree Hunting Party over at  I threw this party a couple years ago, and it was a blast! Check it out!

Just a little tree inspiration from my house a couple years ago...
(This little guy is soon going to be sharing the spotlight with a baby sister!) 

And now I promise: no more mentions of Christmas from me until at least next Friday!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIY Idea: Turkey Cupcakes

I am officially off work and awaiting the arrival of our little girl.  (I wish she'd hurry up! I'm notoriously early to events, and I'd love it if she'd take after me on this!)

In the mean time, I'm staying busy running errands and finishing up her nursery.  (Which I can't wait to share with you!)

Its strange this year to not make any real Thanksgiving plans. We could be in the hospital at that point, or we could be still waiting for her to make an appearance.  (Her dad and I would definitely prefer to not be eating hospital food on this holiday, for the record).

I did make some cute turkey cupcakes though.  These guys are easy & cute, and would be the perfect to bring wherever you are spending your holiday.  And the kiddos can help, which is always a bonus.  
You can get all the instructions for making these guys here

And seriously, check back sooooon for my nursery reveal!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Butterfly Centerpiece

I recently helped to throw a small bridal shower for a coworker.  I was in charge of some of the decorations for this quick little potluck shower.  

I fell in love with these butterfly napkins at a party store. 
I used them as inspiration for the color scheme and the centerpiece.

This centerpiece was oh-so easy and I was really happy with the way it turned out.  I found some wire butterflies at Michael's that worked with the color scheme. I attached them to thin wood dowels with glue dots and added them to a simple flower arrangement.  I used a bronze vase I already owned.  Simple! 

Congratulations Ruby! 
I can't wait for the wedding!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Quick and Easy Holiday Recipes

I've compiled what I consider the ultimate list of quick & easy holiday eats. 
Its a good one to keep on hand with all the parties this season brings! 
You'll want to bookmark this one! 
Click here
And then feel free to share!
Are there any you would add to the list?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Real Party: Gray & Yellow Luncheon Baby Shower

My friend Leslie is expecting a baby boy. We threw her a lovely little shower in Lindsay's backyard a few weeks ago.  We tried to make the decor appeal to Leslie's style. We decided rather than do a specific theme, we'd concentrate on a color scheme she likes.  We settled on gray and white, with touches of yellow. 

First off, I have to give a serious shout-out to Jennafer of Oh Creative One. She helped with the invitations and other printables for the party and did an awesome job.  She was super fast and made any tweaks I requested almost instantly. It was a pleasure to work with her.  

Appetizers and drinks were out when guests arrived.
Foods were based off some of the mom-to-be's favorites.  We had a cheese plate, pigs in a blanket, and tomato bruschetta for appetizers. 

We strung a line of onsies over the appetizer spread.  Our friend Alana found these perfectly colored onsies at Target. 

Lindsay's re-purposed window-turned-pin-board held baby pictures of the mom and dad-to be.  Too cute!

We set up two long tables in the yard for guests.  I made some runners out of gray fabric.  Alana made floral centerpieces.

We had the cutest tented place cards made by Oh Creative One.

Lindsay made little fabric covered jars of candy for each plate.  Crisp white linens and pewter napkin rings finished the look.

 We decorated the area around the tables with ribbons and a garland. Lindsay sewed the circle garland and we strung it between trees.  We also hung ribbons from trees. 

I've mentioned on this blog before that my friend Leslie is a total celebrity nut.
(We played a celebrity themed game at her bridal shower.
And if I remember correctly, she actually won when we did it again at this shower, but we disqualified her since she won the first game.)   
So, we had to have a celebrity game at her baby shower also.
Drea whipped up this cute game and everyone had a lot of fun trying to name the babies and their celebrity parents.  Guess who won? The mom-to-be of course! :)

We also had guests write a message to the baby in a children's book.
We chose Frederick mostly because it matched our color scheme, but what an adorable book to help start the baby's library. 

Lunch was served next.
We had a "slider bar". It was adorable and yummy!

 We had both beef and veggie sliders with all the fixin's.

We served Caesar and kale salads. 

We also had mac & cheese and potato chips (served in cones -- thanks to Katie!).
No one went hungry at this shower!

With all the yummy food, I was afraid that no one would eat my dessert.
Luckily that wasn't a problem!
These push-pops were so fun to make! I just layered chocolate chip mint ice cream and chocolate cake (with a little frosting mixed into make it sticky), and then topped them with whipped cream. 

Party favors were Deb's homemade caramel corn.
Embellished with stickers by Oh Creative One

Congratulations Leslie! I cannot wait to meet your little man!