Monday, August 23, 2010

Conference: Bloggy Bootcamp San Francisco

I attended my first blogging conference this weekend: Bloggy Bootcamp San Francisco!

The location could not have been more amazing. 
The Westin St Francis in Union Square. 

Several of us remarked it would be a beautiful place to have a wedding...and then as we were wrapping up at the end of the day there was a wedding about to start! Lucky couple.  This place was seriously amazing. 
The conference was held in this room. 
Lunch was in this room. 

But the most gorgeous thing was the views! 

The day was filled with great speakers, excited attendees, and tons of great information. 
Pretty Tiffany, of SITS, has definitely found her calling in running this conference. I absolutely loved hearing what she had to say.  Whenever I felt a little overwhelmed by all the information, she would bring it down a notch and remind us all the most of all blogging is about having fun.
I did learn that I might be the only person in the world not on Twitter yet! Considering joining, but I'll keep you all posted. 

I have a stack of adorable cards sitting here on my computer desk and I can't wait to dive in and explore the blogs of all the amazing women I met at Bootcamp!

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