Monday, August 31, 2009

I am Loving: Cheese Boards!

Every hostess needs a fabulous cheese board. There is no better way to start a party than with a spread of yummy cheeses, wouldn't you agree?
I have a slate one, like this. 
Though I also love a nice wooden board.
Doesn't this real chalkboard made a cute platter? Makes it quite easy to label cheeses. 
Cheese knives are a must-have also.  One for soft cheeses, and one for hard cheeses.  Yum!

And don't forget to add some grapes to your display!

Friday, August 28, 2009

I am Loving: Peas

What?! Peas?!

I know! I thought it was crazy too.
We've all seen fruit used in centerpieces but I never would have thought of using peas. How adorable are these centerpieces from this "sweet pea" baby shower?

I discovered Let's Entertain on Creative Parties and Showers today, and absolutely love this baby shower theme.
PS For the record, I HATE peas. As a food. These centerpieces are their only redeeming quality. :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I am Loving: Purple & Orange

A vendor brought some purple and orange flowers into our office this week. I was reminded how much I love this controversial color combination.


Both of these colors are so bold and the two of them together are so unexpected. I think purple & orange should be used more frequently than for the occasional Halloween party. They make a nice pairing for a late summer party as well, whether its a wedding, a shower, or a bachelorette party. I wanted to pay a little tribute to this under-rated pair.

This color palate makes for a stunning bouquet or floral centerpiece.


You simply must fall in love with these fabulous paper goodies.


Yum: tasty and cute!


Sweet little party favors.


I love this look! Speaking of bright shoes, have you seen Papery & Cakery this week? She's been doing a fantastic series with event inspiration based off a fabulous shoe. You must check it out! Its been a favorite read of mine this week.

What is your take on this color palate? Have you ever used it for an event? Sophisticated and fun, or hideous? Let me know what you think!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Real Party: Going Away Party

I recently blogged about invitations and friend and I had made for a going away party. And then Brooke of the fabulous Jackaroo Love featured them! So exciting!
To refresh your memory:

The party was held at this little bar/restaurant on the San Francisco bay:
It ended up being a perfect location. The party was held immediately after work, which allowed the couple's coworkers to stop by and celebrate. We were able to order some appetizers off the menu rather than having to prepare the food ourselves after a work day.

Luckily, they let us bring in our own desserts.
The blue and brown color scheme started on the invitations, and was carried through on the cupcakes.

The cake was modeled after our suitcase invitations. The "handle" was ribbon, so it was removed before serving. I baked the cake in a standard 9x13 baking pan. I sliced it in half to put in a filling of more chocolate frosting, and a crumbled toffee candy bar. (Just like I did with this cake). This is the easiest little trick, and really makes a cake seem so much more special. I highly recommend it for your next shindig. :)

Here's the whole dessert display. I tied up some silverware packets with raffia (left over from the invites) to make it easy for people to grab. We avoided any kind of cake-cutting fee by bringing in our own plates and silverware.

And, a party-must-have: the banner!
"We'll Miss You Johanna & Dustin"

Here's a close-up, so you can see the cute paper.

Rather than a guest book, we made little cards for guests to write their contact information on, and gave the couple a little box to store them. It was a perfect touch for a going away if only I had gotten a picture of it. :(

Monday, August 17, 2009

Real Party: Winery Wedding

Earlier this summer we attended a wedding at an Idaho winery. This was a laid back celebration of the couple, with yummy food, good company, and of course- great wine!

The ceremony was held on the grass lawn on the winery grounds. We snuck into the tasting room to purchase a few souvenirs before the night was over.

The bridesmaids wore yellow, and carried small bunches of daisies. A sweet look for summer.

The happy couple.

Luckily the rain held off until after the ceremony!

Guests headed under cover in the large tent to continue the celebration...
...and were greeted by a yummy buffet.
Tulle, lights, and chandeliers dressed up the tent.

The reception area was decorated with many small glass vases in different shapes and sizes. White and yellow blooms were scattered among them.

The white and yellow flowers were continued on the impressive cake.

The party continued well into the night.

Congratulations Joe and Kathy! Cheers to you!

Before heading home, we made a quick stop at the Boise Farmers Market.
If I didn’t have to hop on a plane, I definitely would have cleaned out the peonies. Aren’t they beautiful?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Invitations: Going Away Party

Some of my friends are moving to Portland in a few weeks. :(
Naturally, we've decided send them off with a little party. (I always like to channel my sadness into crafting.) One of my friends and I put together invitations for the party:
Aren't these little suitcases adorable? There's a "PDX sticker", which is the airport code for Portland's airport. A "tree sticker", as a nod to the woodsy Northwest. The little luggage tag tied with raffia has the couple's initials and their new city.

As we were putting these together we were coming up with all kinds of ideas for how to use this design.
  • beach bags for a beach-themed party of any kind (with tropical-patterned ribbon, a little "towel" sticking out)
  • suitcases or beach bags as save-the-dates for a destination wedding
  • retirement party invitations
The details were written on the back:
Johanna & Dustin are packing their bags and heading to Portland.
Please join us in wishing them good luck on their new adventure!

Ready for envelope stuffing!

Whenever I address invitations for a party that isn't too formal I do my "dot letters". It takes a bit more time, but I think it adds something special the the presentation. And I never use plain white envelopes, unless it is the only thing that will match. I like to think they jump out at the recipient from a boring pile of bills. Don't you just love getting mail?

This girl is headed off to the mailbox!

PS I'll post all the details of the party within the next few weeks, so check back!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Real Party: Surprise! 25th Anniversary

I love a good surprise party. The kind where no one has blown it and the guest(s) of honor are truly surprised. Bonus points if the guest(s) of honor cry tears of joy!

We went to a surprise party this weekend to celebrate our cousin's 25th wedding anniversary. The were SHOCKED. It was so much fun to watch!
The couple thought they were meeting her brother to celebrate his birthday, and they were truly shocked to see all of their guests.

Greeting guests...still in shock!

The party was held in a banquet room of this restaurant.

The color scheme for the party was purple and silver, appropriate for celebrating a silver anniversary. Centerpieces were lavender roses, and silver "25" confetti was sprinkled about.

Customized cocktail napkins in the signature color of the event were a nice touch.

Yummy appetizer spread. There is nothing like a spread of Italian meats and cheeses to start off a party. Yum!
The dinner that followed consisted of your choice of salmon, chicken, or vegetarian tortellini.

There were favors at each place setting. The women received adorable little wine charms with flip-flops. They were on a card printed with funny/cute love quotes. (No, you don't need glasses, the picture is just extremely blurry!)

The men received chocolates. They were molded into the shape of little police officers and handcuffs. (Marc is a police officer). Luckily, my husband was kind enough to share, because the chocolate was GOOD! They were ordered from here. (I am holding onto this link for future parties, as they have some cute things on here.)

Congratulations Marc & Laurie! Here's to many many more!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Real Party: Sweet 16

My niece recently turned 16. My sister-in-law held a little surprise party for her with family and friends. (I guess shouldn't say a little party, since it felt like her entire high school was there). Her favorite colors are yellow and orange, so I set out to make a cake in her colors. It was my first attempt at a 2 layer cake, and my first attempt at using fondant.
I used the pre-made fondant from Michael's, and found it was very easy. I made a chocolate cake with 9-inch round pans, and a second cake with 5 inch round pans.

Here she is, arriving for her surprise. How lucky that her outfit matched her cake! ;)

I tried something else new with this cake, and it was delicious. I chopped a toffee candy bar and sprinkled it in the inner layers of the cake. The crunch and toffee flavor were excellent with the chocolate cake. I am already thinking of the candy flavors I want to use in my next cake. It made the cake feel extra special, yet it was so easy.
One tip is to put frosting on the both layers of the cake that you stick together. Otherwise the candy will block the stickiness of the frosting, and your layers could topple.

The cake looked pretty good for my first attempt at two layers, but by the time we got around to pictures and singing Happy Birthday it was looking wilted. It was over 100 degrees that day, and the cake should have stayed in the fridge a lot longer. The chocolate cake started to show through as the frosting melted, and the fondant letters were sliding. At least it tasted good! And my niece did love the colors.

Happy Birthday Cassandra!

I learned a few lessons on this baking adventure:
  • Wait until right before the event to apply fondant decorations if its hot outside.
  • Put the two layers together and then frost the entire cake, rather than frosting them separately and then putting them together.
  • If possible, put the cake together on location (bringing this in the car was a nightmare!)
  • Make a lot more frosting then you think you will need. (With a thicker layer of frosting I may have avoided the dark cake showing through.) You will always find a use for it!
Onto the next one! Practice makes perfect, right?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Real Party: Hawaiian Wedding

Thanks for your patience this week. I must still be on island time!
What a fun wedding we attended last weekend. I have known the bride and groom both since elementary school, and it was so fun to be a part of their special day. The wedding was held at a hotel in Waikiki. The bride is Japanese, and the couple incorporated both Japanese and Hawaiian traditions and foods into their event.

The ceremony was held in the Luau Garden on the hotel grounds. The aisle was sprinkled with white Hawaiian flowers. The couple performed a traditional lei exchange with their parents.

Mr. & Mrs at last! Woohoo!

Tiki torches burned during the cocktail hour.

Name cards were hung on ribbons on this green board at the cocktail hour.

Guests signed the mat on this beautiful wall hanging, which says "Love" in Japanese.

The bride loves these green cymbidium orchids. Her color palate was based off of them.

Unfortunately, cymbidium orchids are EXPENSIVE. Therefore, bridesmaid bouquets served a duel purpose. There were 3 round tables set up for the wedding party and their significant others. Each table had tall vases in which bouquets were placed after the ceremony. Double duty for these pricey orchids. This is such a smart idea! And it really looked beautiful.

The rectangular tables for family and friends were decorated with green runners, candle holders with sand, and sprinkled white flowers. A money saver over traditional centerpieces, but quite beautiful. The couple didn't have to worry that guests wouldn't be able to see each other across the table, which is always a conversation-killer.

Bridesmaid essentials: a stylish bouquet & champagne!

The buffet dinner was amazing. There were many traditional wedding buffet foods: green salad, rolls, a prime rib carving station, etc. But there were also more salads and dishes than I could count with local seafood and Japanese-inspired flavors. It was the perfect setting for trying something new. There wasn't enough room on a plate to try even a small sample of everything from this buffet!

It was truly one of the most impressive buffets I have ever seen.

The cute little cake was covered in the signature flower of the day. Only a small cake was needed, because there were plenty of other dessert options!

The dessert display was overwhelming. I was disappointed that I was so full from dinner that I could only choose one thing from this table to try. Isn't it beautiful?

A candy bar, complete with customized plastic bags, served as the party favors for guests. Most of the candies had some of the signature green in them. I was lucky to have snapped this photo before the guests devoured it all! :)

After dinner, the hotel had a fireworks display. What an amazing photo opportunity. I can't wait to see what the professional photographer does with this picture-perfect moment!

Three of the bridesmaids' husbands performed a traditional banzai toast during the reception, which blesses the couple and all the guests with long, happy lives.

Congratulations Janelle & Darren! Banzai!