Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Husband's Birthday Goodies

What a crazy week it has been! I have been busy, busy, busy, and my poor little blog has been neglected. 

Its my husband's birthday week.  I usually like to make him up something yummy for his special day, but this year we were so busy it just didn't happen. 

Luckily the restaurant where we met his family tonight had a yummy chocolate cake! 
With our niece, who shares his birthday week. 

I was looking through pictures of past cakes I've made for him.  
Disclaimer: these were made years before I took a cake decorating class and learned about piping bags and how to smooth icing...please excuse crumbs, lumps etc. :)

27th Birthday: 
The cake for his favorite team: San Francisco Giants! 

30th Birthday: 
The Giant 30 with Blueberry (his favorite) Polka Dots

Jam & Nutella Filled Cupcakes

Happy Birthday Danny! I'll make you the best cake ever next year, promise!

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