Monday, January 7, 2013

Real Party: Polka Dots 1st Birthday Party!

Mia and I met Rachel and Shayna in our Mom's group.  We spent much of our maternity leaves together, so I was very happy to get to help celebrate Shayna turning 1 recently!

Rachel and her hubby threw a party for Shayna at their house, and they were kind enough to let me share some photos with you.
I loved the polka dot theme that Rachel used for the party. It was inspired by Shayna's cute party dress. (Which I think is so great.  I know some people have a hard time coming up with themes for party. You can literally get them from anywhere; this is such a great example of that!) 

Rachel had monthly pictures from Shayna's first year displayed on polka dots in the living room.
 And a bright polka dot Happy Birthday sign.

The kitchen was decorated with bright balloons. 
 Lunch was served on large colorful round platters. 

I thought scattering the bright balls around the dessert table was genius! And aren't they great in the glass vessel? 
Rachel made Shayna's adorable felt party hat.

She also made the adorable highchair banner. 

 Everyone hung out in the sun in the backyard.
Our friend Renee performed for the babies (--and the parents! I freakin' love her music!). 
Mia also loved the show. ;)

Party favors!
 Rachel ordered these "knobby balls" from Amazon. (I think this in a perfect party favor for a party of mostly one years olds or younger babies, even if your theme isn't polka dots. They are inexpensive and babies love them!)
For the mommies who need to relax: round bath confetti.  Cute cute.

Happy Birthday Shayna!! 
Thanks for the great party Rachel & Nic!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Real Party: New Year's Eve Dinner & A Winner!

Happy 2013 Blogland! 

The holidays were a whirlwind. After Mia's 1st birthday party, we were pulled into the whirlwind that is the holiday season, and time just flew.  I am barely catching my breath! 

What a magical thing the holiday season is with a little one!  

Just a few quick shots of the a-maz-ing dinner I was lucky enough to eat on New Year's Eve...

This was a rare baby-free night out for Dan & I. Our friends Patty & Dan (another one!) hosted a small dinner party.  
On the menu? 
Pork Porchette
Bacon brussel sprouts
Green salad
Mashed potato bar (not pictured)
 Yum, Yum, Yum. 

I made a deliciously rich flourless chocolate cake for dessert.

Thanks for the amazing dinner Patty & Dan! 

Happy New Year everyone!

And, thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway from BoomBoom Prints

I used, and the winning entry is...
Entry #10, Reiko! 
I'll be contacting you to coordinate getting your print!