Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DIY Idea: Magnet & Pin Boards

We recently purchased a new computer desk. Its the armoire-looking-type where you can swing the doors closed to hide clutter.  I was excited to have the doors as a place to keep important paperwork, receipts, schedules, etc. But also to display cute birth announcements and invitations.  

Originally I bought some simple cork board squares from the office supply store and stuck them up inside the doors. They served their purpose, but certainly were ugly. 
 The before -- yuck!

When I realized that the desk doors are usually left open (so much for hiding the clutter!), I decided we needed to pretty this space up ASAP, and set out to make some magnet boards.

It was a little challenging because the doors are long and narrow.  Not the size where I could use any a standard frame.  I bought a few frames I thought would work and they ended up being too wide. 

And then we found these at Michaels:
Perfect! Create-a-Frame sets that let us customize the size of the frames! (They were on sale too - score!) We purchased enough pieces to make two 12" x 24" frames for each of the two doors.  

My husband used a little muscle and glue to get them together. 

And then we painted them with primer, and a coat of green paint that matched our bedspread.

We found sheets of sheet metal at Home Depot that were 12" x 24" and secured them into the frames. I covered them with burlap first, to make them pretty. :) 
I love the way they turned out! So much better now, I don't mind when the doors are left open. 

I made some fun magnets by gluing buttons onto magnets from the craft store.  It took about 5 minutes, and they look great.  
A little close-up of a couple of the magnets. 

I used some of the left over cork boards to make a pin board for Mia's nursery. 
I used my paper cutter to cut cork pieces to fit onto the backing of a big frame from Ikea, and then glued them into place. 
I covered the whole thing with some extra nursery fabric.  
Now she has a fun pin board above her crib.  Yay! 
Next project? Some cute pins for her board!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Featured: Twiniversity!

One of the (many) shows that I try to catch on Bravo in my (limited) spare time is Pregnant in Heels.  I recently watched an episode which featured a Manhattan couple being educated at Twiniversity to prep for the arrival of their twins. 
The same week I saw this, my Full House Sip & See was featured on their website! Yay! 
The post is a great round up of ideas for throwing baby showers for multiples...check it out here
Thanks to Jill of Twiniversity for all the kind words about that incredibly fun shower. :)