Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bachelorette Party Basics

I have attended, or helped to throw, many many bachelorette parties.  And they've been pretty darn fun if you ask me.  I've gotten it down to a science at this point.

My latest Tablespoon post was full of ideas and recipes for throwing one.
Check it out here.

The perfect bachelorette party has a few key elements. These can be tailored to any group of girls...adjust this list to an at-home party vs a night out on the town, a nonalcoholic party vs a boozy bash, etc. 

Here is my recipe for the perfect bachelorette party:

1. Fun food and drinks
Millions of appetizer and drink recipes here. Great place to start your planning.

2. Something fun for the bachelorette to wear
You want her to stand out!  My favorite simple, non-embarrassing ensemble involves a feather boa & tiara. 

Though you can go the traditional route and have her don a veil.  (We decorated this one with some colorful fabric flowers.)

Or an embarrassing handmade t-shirt. ;) (All in good fun of course!) 

3. A little game
This post explains my favorite bachelorette party game. 

4. Dancing!

5. Party Favors
My favorite? Ring Pops! Fun and easy.

And that's it!
Here's 2 bachelorette parties I've shared here in the past that had all the necessary elements: (check them out if you haven't seen them already!)

Since I've been all about disclosure lately... here's a picture from own (a million years ago).
Yes, my friends made me wear this embarrassing shirt around Las Vegas.  (I cannot believe I am sharing this!)

Happy Friday Everyone! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

About Me!

I realized how much I loved parties when it was time to start planning showers for some of my girlfriends. There really isn't much that I enjoy more than entertaining.  I started this blog to have a place to capture ideas for parties.  I am surrounded by people who know how to throw a party and are nice enough to allow me to share what they do.  And I have had some opportunities to throw a few of my own! Lucky me!  It is so much fun to have a place to share.  

I love to read blogs for inspiration and ideas. My favorite topics are parties (of course!), but also recipes, design, and crafty ideas. And my strong preference is to see the real-deal when I'm looking around my favorite spots on the web.
Sure, I can appreciate a gorgeous photo shoot with models and props. But in my opinion, those posts can't beat a real party.  With real people, real budgets, and really good food.  That's where I get the most inspiration.  So that is what I strive to create here. I won't ever have the most page views or daily posts.  But I will continue to have original content as often as this busy life allows. 

I love behind the scenes peaks at the lives of the fabulous bloggers that are creating the stuff I read about. In that spirit, I decided its about time I let you get a peak behind the curtain and made an About Me page.  From time to time I write about my life, but I decided its time to condense some info about me in one place so readers can get to know me. 

My Story
I was born and raised in the Northwest, but currently reside near San Francisco.
(I try to get home to the Northwest as much as possible. I have family and lots of great friends who live there.) 
After a few years of a long distance relationship, I relocated here to be near Dan.  
 2005 -- when I moved to be near Dan

We rescued the best dog in the world (I'm just a little biased). 
2007 -- bringing Ernie home from for the first time

We were married a few years later.  
 2008 -- honeymooning!

We took a few years to enjoy being married. 
We hung out with friends, bought our first home, did a little traveling...
 2010 -- Thailand

...and then we had Mia.
2011 -- Thanksgiving Day! Probably the most tired I have been in my entire life...

2012 -- My first Mother's Day
Things just keep getting better.

As always, thanks for reading. Thanks for commenting. And thanks for all the inspiration you all have given me.  I will continue to strive to create interesting content. And I hope you'll continue stopping by to see it. 
And now, back to the parties... :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

DIY Idea: Candy Dessert Cups

Here's a fun idea for Mother's Day: candy dessert cups. 
One of my favorite things about these (beside how simple they are to make!) is that you can customize the color to match your table perfectly.  Yay!

DIY details here.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Real Party: 1/2 Birthday Party (Cinco de Mayo Style!)

You may remember last summer when my girlfriends and I looked like this: 

Obviously now our parties look a little different: packed with babies! 

The two in the middle (Lindsay & Johanna)'s babes just turned 6 months old (what?!) and we had to celebrate. Their families hosted a little fiesta in honor of their 1/2 birthdays and it was oh-so fun! 
Yum Yum Yum

 Happy .5 Birthday to two of the cutest babies around!